urbansurfaces2 (2005-2010) - part 5

urbansurfaces2 (2005-2010) - part 5

In about 2010, digital photography tools were finally beginning to reach maturity. Soon thereafter I would finally get the first digital camera I'd own that was capable of making images that were anywhere near the caliber of the medium format film images I'd been making in the original urbansurfaces series. Somehow this new capability changed my perspective on imagemaking again, and I began moving away from the freewheeling painterliness of these "rougher" creations - perhaps feeling obligated to try to continue the original series, now that tech permitted it. Out of this, I would make a limited attempt at what I’ll call the urbansurfaces3 series.


These images are the last I'll post of the created/manipulated urbansurfaces2. They feel related by their boldness, roughness, and the illusion of relative simplicity.


#pastwork   |   #urbansurfaces


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